Nikon d7000 price reduction
Nikon d7000 price reduction

nikon d7000 price reduction

This explains the lower noise and higher detail compared to the D7000's conventional capture.


Also worth noting is that although image quality is impressive, the ISO 25,600 image from the A55 is not a 'straight' shot, but was captured using multi-exposure NR - the only option available at this ISO setting. Looking at the graph, there is a sudden leap in noise from the D7000 at ISO 12800 compared to the Sony SLT-A55 at default settings, but it is clear from the samples that the Sony is simply applying much more noise reduction, and detail is blunted as a result. Only at the very highest sensitivity setting (Hi2.0) things go visibly downhill but all in all the Nikon D7000 is arguably APS-C camera that so far offers the best performance at these extremely high ISO settings. Having said that, even at the HI1.0 setting high contrast detail is still acceptable and, despite the visible luminance noise, images are perfectly usable at smaller print sizes. ISO 6400 output is perfectly usable at normal print sizes, only when you go even higher does the chroma noise become more intrusive. The NR Norm setting arguably provides the best balance between detail and clean images. Having said that the D7000's NR algorithms appear to focus heavily on chroma (color) noise and by doing so manage to deliver good detail even at higher sensitivities.

nikon d7000 price reduction

Above that it's the usual compromise between controlling noise and retaining fine detail. In reality you have to look pretty closely to spot a difference between any of the noise reduction settings up to ISO 800. The D7000 offers four noise reduction settings - Off, Low, Norm (default) and High, with the Off setting only applying noise reduction at ISO 1600 and higher, and even then with a lower intensity than than in the Low setting. The 'tricolor' patches beneath the familiar gray/black/portrait images are taken from the same test chart, and show how noise impacts upon blue, green and red areas of a scene. You can select from all available NR options, and from other cameras. By default, we show you the default noise reduction settings of the camera tested, and three other models of the same class. Note: this page features our new interactive noise comparison widget. Ambient temperature was approximately 22☌ (~72☏).

nikon d7000 price reduction

This is our standard studio scene comparison shot taken from exactly the same tripod position.


This holds true throughout the entire ISO range, but a discrepancy this small has little practical impact upon everyday photography (remember that this test is performed in manual mode without reference to the camera's metering system). We found that measured ISO from the D7000 is roughly 1/3EV higher than indicated - so ISO 100 = ISO 125 (approx). We estimate the accuracy of these results to be +/- 1/6 EV (the margin of error given in the ISO specifications). The actual sensitivity of each indicated ISO is measured using the same shots as are used to measure ISO noise levels, we simply compare the exposure for each shot to the metered light level (using a calibrated Sekonic L-358), middle gray matched.

Nikon d7000 price reduction